Chapter 1. Planning
Subchapter I: Yap Islands
Planning Commission
§101. Declaration and creation.
§102. Membership; vacancies;
§103. Functions and
§104. Administrative
§105. Annual reports.
§101. Declaration and creation. The Yap Islands Proper,
consisting of the islands of Rumung, Map, Tomil-Gagil, Yap, and all other
islands in Yap Islands Proper are hereby designated and declared to be a
Master Plan area in accordance with the Land Planning Act. There is hereby
created a commission of the State for the Yap Islands Proper Master Plan
area of Yap, which shall be known and cited as the Yap Islands Planning
Commission and hereafter referred to as the Commission, for the purpose of
preparing, reviewing, and implementing a Master Plan and land use
requirements for the Yap Islands Proper pursuant to the Land Planning Act.
Source: YDC §5010(a),
Cross-reference: The statutory provision regarding
penalties for the violation of the public planning provisions of chapters
1, 2, 3, 5, or 10 of this title is found in section 811 of Title 11
(Crimes and Punishment) of this Code. The Land Planning Act is the Trust
Territory Land Planning Act found in Title 51, sections 1 to 11 of the
Trust Territory Code.
§102. Membership; vacancies; compensation.
(a) The Commission
shall consist of one voting member from each of the ten municipalities of
Yap Islands Proper. Members shall be appointed by the Chairman of the
Council of Pilung after consultation with the Council of Pilung member of
the respective municipality from which the member is to be appointed. Such
appointment shall provide for fair and adequate representation of all
segments of the population of the Master Plan area, and shall otherwise be
in accordance with the provisions of the Land Planning Act. No member
shall be appointed who is not a bona fide resident in the area which he is
to represent on the Commission, and no member of the Council of Pilung
shall serve on the Commission.
(b) Members shall serve a term
of three years, except that two of the initial appointments shall be for a
term of two years as designated by the Chairman of the Council of Pilung.
Appointments to fill a vacancy shall be made in the manner of the original
appointment, and such appointment shall be only for the remainder of the
unexpired portion of the term. Members of the Commission shall be entitled
to such compensation or allowance in lieu of subsistence as is established
by law. Any member may be removed from office by the Governor for
inefficiency, misconduct or neglect of duty.
(c) Members shall select a
chairman and a vice-chairman from among their membership, and the chairman
shall call such meetings as are necessary to carry out the functions and
duties of the Commission. The Commission shall establish such bylaws and
rules of procedure governing its internal organization and functioning as
it deems necessary to carry out the functions and duties assigned to it by
(d) No member of the Commission shall participate in any official
decision in which he has any pecuniary or other interest unless he first
discloses such interest in writing to the Commission. Such disclosure
shall be entered in the minutes of all Commission meetings at which such
decision is discussed. Failure to disclose such interest shall constitute
misconduct in office, and shall be grounds for immediate removal from
office of that member.
Source: YDC §5010(b), as amended by YDL 5-8
§1, modified.
Cross-reference: The statutory provisions on
Traditional Leaders and Traditions are found in Title 5 of this Code. The
statutory provisions on Local Governments are found in Title 6 of this
Commission Comment :
Section 1 of YSL 1-57 states as follows: "The membership,
powers, duties and responsibilities of the Yap Islands Planning Commission
are confirmed. Membership requirements for district planning commissions
established by the Land Planning Act, Chapter 1 of Title 51 of the Trust
Territory Code, is superseded, insofar as it applies to the State." The
"Yap Islands Council" is changed to "Council of Pilung" where appropriate,
and "President of the Yap Islands Council" is changed to "Chairman of the
Council of Pilung".
§103. Functions and duties. The Commission shall have such
functions and duties as are assigned to it by the Land Planning Act and as
are otherwise delegated or assigned to it by law.
Source: YDC §5010(c).
Cross-reference: The Land Planning Act is the Trust
Territory Land Planning Act of Title 51, sections 1 to 11 of the Trust
Territory Code.
§104. Administrative support.
The Office of the Governor shall make
available to the Commission such facilities, supplies, and materials as
may be necessary to carry out the functions and duties of the Commission
and the purposes of this chapter and the Land Planning Act.
YDC §5010(d), modified.
Cross-reference: The statutory provisions on the
Governor and the Executive branch are found in Title 3 of this
§105. Annual reports.
The Commission shall, within ten days after the convening of the
Legislature in its first regular session each year, make an annual report
in writing to the Legislature and to the Governor about its activities and
accomplishments during the past year, and shall make such recommendations
for legislation as it deems necessary to carry out its functions and
Source: YDC §5010(e), modified.
Cross-reference: The statutory provisions on the
Legislature are found in Title 2 of this Code.
Subchapter II: Outer
Islands Planning Commission
§121. Declaration and creation. §122. Membership; vacancies; compensation. §123. Functions and duties. §124. Administrative support.
§125. Annual reports.
§121. Declaration and creation.
The atolls and
islands of the Outer Islands of Yap State are hereby designated and
declared to be a Master Plan area in accordance with the Land Planning
Act. There is hereby created a commission of the State for the Outer
Islands Master Plan area of Yap, which shall be known and cited as the
Outer Islands Planning Commission and hereafter referred to as the
Commission, for the purpose of preparing, reviewing and implementing a
Master Plan, and land use requirements, for the atolls and islands of the
Outer Islands pursuant to the Land Planning Act.
Source: YSL 1-209 §1.
Cross-reference: The statutory provision regarding
penalties for the violation of the public planning provisions of chapters
1, 2, 3, 5, or 10 of this title is found in section 811 of Title 11
(Crimes and Punishment) of this Code. The Land Planning Act is the Trust
Territory Land Planning Act found in Title 51, sections 1 to 11 of the
Trust Territory Code.
§122. Membership; vacancies; compensation.
(a) The Commission shall consist of 13 voting members from the Outer
Islands Master Plan area, one of whom shall be from each of the following
atolls or islands: Fais, Sorol, Ngulu, Eauripik, Faraulep, Ifalik, Elato,
Lamotrek, and Satawal, and two of whom shall be from each of the following
atolls: Ulithi Atoll and Woleai Atoll. Members shall be appointed by the
respective chief of the atolls or islands from which the members are to be
appointed. Such appointments shall provide for fair and adequate
representation of all segments of the population of the Master Plan area,
and shall otherwise be in accordance with the provisions of the Land
Planning Act. No member shall be appointed who is not a legal resident of
the atolls or islands which he is to represent on the Commission, and no
member of the Council of Tamol shall serve on the Commission.
(b) Members shall serve a term of three years, except that five of the
initial appointments shall be for a term of two years which shall be
determined by drawing lots at the first organizational meeting of the
Commission. Appointments to fill a vacancy shall be in the manner of the
original appointment, and such appointment shall be only for the remainder
of the unexpired portion of the term. Members of the Commission shall be
entitled to such compensation or allowance in lieu of subsistence as is
established by law. Any member may be removed from office by the Governor
for inefficiency, misconduct or neglect of duty after adequate
consultation with the chief or chiefs of the atolls or islands
(c) Members shall select a chairman and vice-chairman from among their
membership, and the chairman shall call such meetings as are necessary to
carry out the functions and duties of the Commission. The Commission shall
establish such bylaws and rules of procedure governing its internal
organization and functioning as it deems necessary to carry out the
functions and duties assigned to it by law.
(d) No member of the Commission shall participate in any official
decision in which he has any pecuniary or other interest, unless he first
discloses such interest in writing to the Commission. Such disclosure
shall be entered in the minutes of all Commission meetings at which such
decision is discussed. Failure to disclose such interest shall constitute
misconduct in office, and shall be grounds for immediate removal from
office of the member.
Source: YSL 1-209 §2, modified.
Cross-reference: The statutory provisions on Traditional
Leaders and Traditions are found in Title 5 of this Code. The statutory
provisions on Local Governments are found in Title 6 of this
§123. Functions and duties.
The Commission shall have such functions and duties as are assigned to
it by the Land Planning Act and as are otherwise delegated or assigned to
it by law.
YSL 1-209 §3.
Cross-reference: The Land Planning Act is the Trust
Territory Land Planning Act of Title 51, sections 1 to 11 of the Trust
Territory Code.
§124. Administrative support.
The Office of the Governor shall make
available to the Commission such facilities, supplies, materials and other
supports as may be necessary to carry out the functions and duties of the
Commission and the purposes of this subchapter and the Land Planning
Source: YSL 1-209 §4, modified.
Cross-reference: The statutory provisions on the Executive
are found in Title 3 of this Code.
§125. Annual reports.
The Commission shall, within ten
days after the convening of the Legislature at its first regular session
each year, make an annual report in writing to the Legislature and to the
Governor about its activities and accomplishments during the past year,
and shall make such recommendations for legislation as it deems necessary
to carry out its functions and duties.
Source: YSL 1-209 §5,
Cross-reference: The statutory provisions on the
Legislature are found in Title 2 of this