Pohnpei Environmental Protection Agency
Tel: (691) 320-2927 Fax: (691) 320-5265
E-mail: pniepa@mail.fm


          The following Regulations are hereby promulgated for the operation of
Pohnpei sakau bars to protect and promote human health, safety and
welfare, pursuant to Section 9 of State Law No. 3L-26-92 and under the
authority of the Emergency Executive Order issued on May 9, 2000 to control and
contain the cholera epidemic in Pohnpei.
Part I.  Definitions
I.1.      "Equipment" means any other instrument or machine
used for pounding, crushing or grinding sakau
I. 2.      "Moahl" means the sakau-pounding rock.

I.3.      "Ngarangar" means the coconut shell used in servingsakau.

I.4.      "Peitehl" means the sakau stone upon which sakau arepounded.

I.5.      "Potable water" means boiled or disinfected water.

I.6.      "Sakau" means piper methysticum or a shrub of thePacific Islands, dried
roots of which are used to make an intoxicating liquor
I.7.      "Cups" means any container used in serving sakau including ngarangar.

I.8.      "Wringing implement" means hibiscus bark, cloth, orother medium used
in wringing out the sakau or theintoxicating sakau liquor from the pounded, crushed
or grinded sakau.

Part II.  Sakau Roots and Wringing Implement and Water
II.1. Sakau roots shall be cleaned with brush and potable water.

II. 2.  Cleaned sakau roots shall be dried in the sun for 24hours before being
bounded and used.
II.3. Wringing implements shall not be dropped on the ground.

II.4.  Wringing implements shall be rinsed in potable waterbefore use.
II.5.  Only potable water shall be used in mixing sakau.

II.6. All used sakau and wringing implements shall be properly disposed of immediately  after the end of eachpounding or preparation of sakau and not littering the area  around the pounding rock.

Part III.  Preparation Equipment

III. I .     Moal, peitehl and other equipment shall all be scrubbed with brush and potable water before each use. Only dishwashing liquids shall be used.
III.2.      Sakau cups including ngarangar shall not be shared between customers.  All cups and ngarangar shall be cleaned with soap and rinsed in chlorinated water.

III.3.      Moahls shall be stored in containers after each use.

III.4.      Peitehls and other equipment shall be raised over the bare ground by two feet or more and totally covered when not in use.

Part IV.  Bar Structure

IV. I.      The bar structure shall be properly constructed to accommodate all customers during all inclemental weather conditions.

IV.2.      Properly constructed and maintained flush toilets or water seal toilets shall be installed for the use of all bar workers and customers. Separate toilets shall be provided for males and females.

IV. 3.    Hand washing sink or basin with underground wastewater drainage shall be supplied together with potable water, soap and towel for all hand washing purposes.

IV. 4.    Animals and pets shall not be allowed within the sakau bar.

IV. 5.   Spittoons or spitting receptacles or containers shall be provided to each customer who needs it and shall be immediately and properly disposed off the structure immediately after the departure of such customer.

IV.6.     Trash cans shall be available at the site for all litter and the cans shall be kept covered when not in active use.

I V.7.    Certificate of compliance of the structure shall be displayed on the structure at all times.

Part V.  Owners and Employees

V.1.    Sakau bar owners and all employees engaged in preparation and serving of sakau shall have valid Health Certificates.

V.2.      All Health Certificates of owner and all bar employees in a given sakau bar shall be publicly displayed or posted in the sakau bar and shall be valid for three months.

V. 3.      All employees engaged in preparation and/or serving of sakau shall wear clean clothes, and wash hands with soap and potable water before preparing and/or serving sakau, and after each visit to the toilet.

Part VI.  Prohibition of Sales of Sakau in Bottle

It shall be unlawful to sell, or otherwise dispense ordistribute sakau in bottles.

Part VII.  Penalty

VII.1. Anyone who violate any part of these regulations maybe imprisoned for not more than 5 months or fined not more than $1000 or both. In lieu of the imposition of the penalty set out above, a bar may be closed for violation of any part of these Regulations.

Part VIII. Effective Date

These Regulations shall become effective pursuant to Section 1 of State Law No. 2L-12-80 and immediately under the authority of the Emergency Executive Order issued on May 9, 2000 and Resolution No. 15-00 adopted by the Fifth Pohnpei Legislature on June 2, 2000.

                                                                              Chairman,  Board of Directors

                                                                                Johnny P. David
                                                                                Governor, Pohnpei State

Certification of Posting

        I, the undersigned hereby certify that i have caused to be posted the foregoing Regulations on the operation of Pohnpei sakau bars for the protection of human safety, health and welfare at the Pohnpei Supreme Court and all local government office buildings this 2nd day of June, 2000.


Certification for Announcement on
Local Radio Broadcast Station

             I, the undersigned, hereby certify that I have personally caused the foregoing Regulations to be broadcasted at least seven (7) times on the Radio Broadcast Station V6AH, the local radio broadcast station today, June 2, 2000.


                                                                                     Approved as to Form: