Part I.  Provisions of
General Applicability
Chapter 3.  Evidence

Section 6.301.  Official records.
Section 6.302.  Privileges.
Section 6.303.  Tradition.

     Section 6.301.  Official records.
     A book or record of account or minutes of proceedings of the Government, the national government, or a predecessor government, are admissible to prove the act, transaction or occurrence as a memorandum of which it was made or kept. A copy or transcript, authenticated by the official having custody, of a book, record, paper or document of the Government, the national government, or a predecessor government, is admissible in evidence to the same extent as its original.

Cross reference:
The constitutional provisions on the Judiciary are found in Kosrae Const., Art. VI.

     Section 6.302.  Privileges.

     (1)  Spouse.  The Court may not compel a person to testify against his spouse in a criminal proceeding.

     (2)  Other.  The Court by rule may establish other privileges.

     Section 6.303.  Tradition.
     The Court does not utilize tradition in reaching a decision unless it receives satisfactory evidence of the tradition.

Cross reference:
The constitutional provisions on the Judiciary are found in Kosrae Const., Art. VI.